Elder law focuses on the needs of people over the age of 65. The major areas of this specialty are estate planning, long-term care planning, special needs planning, disability planning, conservatorship or guardianship and elder abuse.
It is important for residents and their families to understand the benefits and limitations of each program, eligibility requirements, and any additional costs associated with them.
The time to start researching elder care facilities, experts recommend, is before you need one. There are numerous options for elder care, and you don’t want to be caught flat-footed in the event of an unexpected health crisis. Those sudden situations can force you to make a quick decision without the knowledge to make an informed choice.
A stroke is a serious medical emergency that occurs when there is a deficiency of blood flow to an area of the brain or bleeding in the brain. This causes brain damage, with effects that may include weakness of one side of the body, vision changes, speech problems, loss of consciousness and more.
Restoring hearing loss with hearing aids or cochlear implants was linked with less long-term cognitive decline and even some gain, a systematic review and meta-analysis showed.
As we grow older, many of us fear the possibility that we could be diagnosed with dementia. Few things are more frightening than the thought of losing our independence to this progressive disease. Researchers at the University of Cambridge now say signs of dementia may appear up to nine years in advance of when the illness is typically diagnosed.