After decades of building a solid nest egg, retirement is the time to finally crack into it. Yet, many retirees who were great at saving find themselves less sure about how to spend all that accumulated money.
First, debts in a person’s estate are payable from the decedent’s assets in the course of administering their probate estate or administering their living trust estate.
Estate planning is the process of anticipating and arranging for the management and disposal of a person's estate during the person's life in preparation for a person's future incapacity or death.
You’re single, and you don’t have an estate plan or even a will. Perhaps you think you don’t need either because you’re not wealthy and don’t have children.
There are two primary ways to pre-pay for a funeral: via either pre-need funeral insurance policies purchased through a funeral home, or by setting up a funeral trust with a bank or financial institution. Each method works a bit differently.
To protect assets effectively, you have to store them in the right legal entity. However, that can depend on whether you’re looking to protect business assets, avoid estate taxes, or protect personal assets from legal liability while running a business.